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Модуль GPS с интерфейсом USB

Артикул: product 1401
Модуль GPS с интерфейсом USB

GPS Receiver with USB Interface (GMouse). The SKM53 Series with embedded GPS antenna enables high performance navigation in the most stringent applications and solid fix even in harsh GPS visibility environments.
It is based on the high performance features of the MediaTek 3327/3329 single-chip architecture, Its 165dBm tracking sensitivity extends positioning coverage into place like urban canyons and dense foliage environment where the GPS was not possible before. The 6-pin and USB connector design is the easiest and convenient solution to be embedded in a portable device and receiver like PND, GPS mouse, car holder, personal locator, speed camera detector and vehicle locator.

* Features
1) Ultra high sensitivity: -165dBm
2) 22 tracking/66 acquisition-channel receiver
4) NMEA protocols (default speed: 9600bps)
5) Internal back-up battery and 1PPS output
6) One serial port and USB port (option)
7) Embedded patch antenna 18.2 x 18.2 x 4.0 mm
8) Operating temperature range: -40 to 85
9) 54mm Diameter 15.6mm Height
Type of Packing: Plastic Bag

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